Membership Renewal
NB1 : Application as a New Member is here.
NB2 : Renewal Application Form link is at the bottom of this page.
Renewal Timing
The MROC membership year finishes at the end of Feb. each year.
Members then have the option to renew their membership for another 12 months until end of Feb. the following year.
We allow a “grace” period until end of March before we shut off membership benefits if someone doesn’t renew (NB You can't compete though - as your membership card won't be accepted at events).
If you joined as a New Member during Jan. or Feb., you don't need to renew until the following year.
NB Membership Cards state an expiry date of End of Feb. & the year, so will not be accepted as proof of Membership for competitive events after the end of Feb. – unless renewed.
We remind members of upcoming renewal requirements via the Club Journal, website & Facebook page. There are emails during Jan. for members who’ve expressed an interest in the Direct Debit option & reminders in Feb. & March for those who’ve still not renewed.
Renewal Advantages
Renewing membership whilst still a current member gives the advantage of discounted renewal cost.
Renewal cost is £25 for Full or Associate Members & £12.50 for Family Members (Discounts of £5 or £2.50 discount respectively versus New Members).
The discount only applies for renewals made & paid for between 1st Jan & end of March.
Renewing (Re-Joining) after 31st March
If re-joining the club after 31st March of the expiry year on your membership card, you're previous membership has expired / lapsed and you need to re-join as a New Member. Membership Fees are as a New Member (£30 / £15).
If you re-join after a “lapse” / expired membership of more than 12 months, you receive a new membership number & card. As stated above, Membership Fees are as a New Member.
Adding Family Members
Family Members can be included for Renewal on the same form IF they are current members. If they are NOT a current member, they need to join as a New Member.
The form is not able to deal with this, so please contact us via email to
Application Form Content
The Full Member at an address should fill out an application form to Renew.
We need :
Your full name,
Postal address details (to send your membership card etc),
A phone number (additional contact when email doesn't work OR to let you know an event is cancelled at the last minute),
Email address (for most communication & for you to receive the Club Journal)
Confirmation if you want to convert from a "physical" membership card to a "Digital membership card"
Names of any current Family Member(s) who want to renew.
Email address for any Family Member(s) IF they want to receive the Club Journal separately
On-line ("Apply Online") is fast & easy (even on Smart Phones).
Applying by post / paying by cheque is possible - but Non-preferred due to handwriting interpretation issues, additional admin time / cost & the timing delays associated with postage & cheque clearance. If you want to use this option, you can download & print a form ("Apply by Post) OR print the form included in the Club Journal. Please attach a cheque payable to Midland Rover Owners Club Ltd with your filled out application form (the postal address is on the bottom of the form).
NB If you need valid membership in a hurry, note this option can take an additional 2 weeks !
Our system sends out an initial email response within a few minutes confirming receipt of your application form. This email contains details of how to pay (See Payment Options below).
If you don’t receive this email please check your Spam / Junkmail folders & contact us via if nothing found.
NB 1 : Please ensure email addresses are accurate OR you won’t receive the Club Journal . Club communications OR the membership payment request if using the on-line form.
NB 2 : If you switch to our DD payment option, an advantage is that you don't need to submit a renewal form UNLESS any of your contact details have changed.
Payment Options
Payment options are the same as for a New Member with the addition of Direct Debit
If you apply online, you can pay after submitting your application by making a personal payment (BACS / Bank transfer) from your bank account to MROC using either your internet / telephone banking or in your bank branch (Use the info. on the initial email response).
Our preference is Bank Transfer due to lower charges - but the choice is yours !
If you apply online, alternatively, you can pay immediately if you use PayPal.
( Click on the PayPal payment link in the initial email response and a PayPal window will open).Applying by post / paying by cheque is possible - but Non-preferred due to handwriting interpretation issues, additional admin time / cost & the timing delays associated with postage & cheque clearance. If you want to use this option, you can download & print a form ("Apply by Post) OR print the form included in the Club Journal. Please attach a cheque payable to Midland Rover Owners Club Ltd with your filled out application form (the postal address is on the bottom of the form).
NB If you need valid membership in a hurry, note this option can take an additional 2 weeks !We also have a well proven Direct Debit payment option available to make payment easier & harder to forget ! We've been using it for 9 years now without problems & nearly 50 % of our members now use it.
Due to the set-up time, this option needs to be started in late Jan. to allow payment before the end of Feb.
Another advantage of this system is that you don't need to submit a renewal form each year UNLESS any of your contact details have changed.
The DD system will take payment during mid Feb. giving time for the payment to be transferred to MROC & us to send out out your renewed card etc before your previous membership card expiry date at the end of Feb.
Please let us know if this option interests you.
Renewal Confirmation / "Card"
Our system sends out an initial email response within a few minutes confirming receipt of your on-line application form. This email contains details of how to pay (excluding the DD option).
If you don’t receive this please check your Spam / Junkmail folders & if not found contact us.
If prior to renewal you have a physical membership card, we post out renewal confirmation & a new card "Expiry Year" sticker & membership windscreen sticker.
If prior to renewal you had a "digital" membership card, we email out renewal confirmation & a replacement digital membership card & post out a new membership windscreen sticker (this also applies if you request to "convert" from "physical" to "digital" card).
New card / car stickers / new digital cards are only sent out after receiving payment. All are sent out towards the end of Feb if received earlier & within 3 ~5 days of receiving payment if received later.
NB The replacement digital card will have a different background colour, image & expiry year to help quick identification of "out of date" cards.
If you're interested in "converting" to a digital card here's a link to more info.
Renewal Form
Select "Apply Online" to open & submit an application online.
Applying by post / paying by cheque is possible - but Non-preferred due to handwriting interpretation issues, additional admin time / cost & the timing delays associated with postage & cheque clearance.
If you want to use this option, you can download & print a form ("Apply by Post) OR print the form included in the Club Journal. Please attach a cheque payable to Midland Rover Owners Club Ltd with your filled out application form (the postal address is on the bottom of the form).
Note : If you need valid membership in a hurry, note this option can take an additional 2 weeks !
NB : Contact us via if you hear nothing back a few minutes after submitting an online form.